Perfectly ready-to-cook mixture to make south Indian Rava Upma instantly which is perfect for bachelors, students and even when there is no mood to cook. Ready to cook dishes are always a super choice when someone is in hurry or …

( Easy to Learn, Simple to Cook )
( Easy to Learn, Simple to Cook )
Perfectly ready-to-cook mixture to make south Indian Rava Upma instantly which is perfect for bachelors, students and even when there is no mood to cook. Ready to cook dishes are always a super choice when someone is in hurry or …
kid’s friendly fruity pizza using a big round slice of watermelon as base and few fruits and chocolates as toppings. Watermelon, a body-healing fruit ! Yes. Loaded with vitamins, minerals and nutrients; watermelon is such a fruit one should not …
a healthy and so delicious breakfast using leftover Raita in a jiffy Raita, an Indian condiment is generally prepared to balance the spicy foods like biryani, kebabs etc. Many veggies like onion, tomato etc, some leafy greens like mint and coriander …
Indian traditional breakfast, upma using the super-food Quinoa and some winter vegetables Wait, what is actually Quinoa ? It is pronounced as ‘kinuwa’, ‘keenwah’ etc. Quinoa is actually grain-like, but it is technically not a grass like rice, wheat. So it is …
super simple oven-roasted cauliflower florets for side dish, as filling in any wrap, tacos etc. Cauliflower like a super-food : Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable and most called this a white version of its cousin, Broccoli. This is considered like …
crunchy & crispy chickpeas roasted in oven with some simple flavor and completely vegan, gluten free snack option A cup of tea and snacks are a perfect rescue to evening hunger pangs for most Indians. During tea time one can …
a protein packed Mexican dish using tortilla & red kidney bean aka rajma with Indian touch What is Kidney beans (red colored) aka Rajma ? The name of this lentil is due to the visual resemblance in shape and color to …
a perfect crunchy fritter which is best suited for snack or side dish using a seasonal vegetable, spine gourd What is Spine Gourd ? Spine gourd is a perennial climbing creeper and bears fruits during the monsoon to the end …
instant version of the popular Gujarati snack, Khaman in a mug Gujarati Food is one of the oldest cuisines in India. In most dishes the guju people love to add a sweet factor (sugar, jaggery etc.) surely 😊 Starting from Kadhi …
an Instant version of paniyaram / appe using semolina with a stuffing of potatoes mixture ! What is Paniyaram ? Paniyaram is a dish from Tamil cuisine that is made of steaming batter using a mould with cavities. The dish has …