Malabar Parotta | Barotta | Kerala Paratha (Vegan)

Kerala, God’s Own Country is a paradise of gastronomy. It’s cuisines are mouthwatering delights. Cooking in Kerala is all about spices, aromas and textures. The cuisine is rather spicy and offers a large platter of opportunities for vegetarians as well as non-vegetarians. So Kerala is also known as ‘Land of Spices’. Their food is served on a clean green banana leaf and eaten with one’s fingers traditionally. Coconuts grow all over the coastline of Kerala and consequently coconut shells, grated coconut shavings and coconut milk are commonly used in dishes for thickening and flavoring. The most common kerala foods include dishes of meat and vegetables accompanied by pickles. Few example are Idiyappam, Rasam, Puttu, Kadala curry, Parotta, Kerala style fish molee, Nadan beef (Kerala style beef), Palada payasam, Banana fritters, Ada pradhaman etc.

Here I am discussing about the cuisine of Kerala state in Indian subcontinent as the theme for ‘Shhhhh Cooking Secretly Challenge group is related to ‘Kerala 

Cuisine’. For this theme, my partner was Amrita who gave me 2 secret ingredients as All purpose flour and Sugar and I gave her as Small onion (shallot) and Tamarind. As usual, using mine two ingredients I had to prepare a dish from Kerala cuisine. So I have come up with the most famous multi-layered flat bread aka Malabar Parotta using these two ingredients. 

 Shhhhh Cooking Secretly Challenge

Malabar Parotta / Barotta is a dish that Malayalis around the world swear by ;). Basically parotta is a flat bread prepared using all purpose flour. Hence it is more stretchy and has more gluten. Neither oil, egg nor milk are used while making the dough. Also the raising agents like baking powder / baking soda are totally absent. The dough is prepared using only maida (APF), sooji, sugar, salt along with some Luke warm water. The dough is flattened as thin as possible and then cut down into long strips. And finally these are rolled together and flattened to form a multi-layered flatbread. These flat-breads are so soft still crisp and moist still flaky. Most like the intense favorite combination of parotta along with beef particularly. Even this can be served with any other gravy based dishes.

So do try this egg free version of Malabar Parotta / Barotta / Kerala Paratha. If you tried my recipe and enjoyed fully, then please share some pictures of your creation with me. Also give your valuable feedback either in the comment box below or tag me as #firsttimercook on Instagram. You may also follow me on FacebookPinterestTwitterGoogle+Instagram and can subscribe for free to get new recipes directly into your inbox 😊. Lets go in details.

Preparation Time : 1.5 hrs  |  Cooking Time : 15 mins

Ingredients :        



All purpose flour (maida)

1 & ½ cup


2-3 tbsp


2 tbsp


As needed


As needed

Water (luke warm)

As needed

Method :

  1. In a mixing bowl take maida, sugar, sooji, salt and mix well.
  2. Next add Luke warm water little by little and make a smooth dough.
  3. Cover the bowl containing the dough with a plate and keep aside for 25-30 minutes.
  4. Then knead the dough for 1-2 minutes and make 3 inch size balls out of the dough.
  5. Dust the work surface with flour and start rolling one dough ball into as thin as possible.
  6. Apply some oil and spread evenly over the entire surface using brush or by hand and then sprinkle some flour over it evenly.
  7. Next using a knife or pizza cutter, cut the rolled dough into very thin strips.
  8. Gently assemble all the strips on top of other to form strip stack.
  9. Then roll to make a spiral shape and finally press the last edge of the stack onto the backside center of the spiral roll.
  10. Similarly make spiral rolls from rest of the dough balls and keep aside.
  11. Now place one spiral roll over a dinner plate and start pressing using greased palm into thin circle, but gently.
  12. Meanwhile heat a tawa or griddle and place the parotta over the tawa.
  13. Cook from both side till brown spots appear.
  14. Then apply oil on each side of the parotta and cook for 1-2 minutes more over low-medium heat.
  15. Similarly make parotta from rest spiral rolls.
  16. To separate the layers, crush the parottas gently by tapping the sides of the parottas.
  17. Serve hot with any desired gravy dish !

Notes :

  • Always try to roll the dough balls as thin as possible and also cut the rolled dough into very thin stripes. These two things totally implies the perfect layers in the parotta.
  • Whole wheat flour can be used here. Even both wheat flour and all purpose flour can be used in 1:1 ratio.

PIN for later :


  1. mildly indian

    Malabar parotta is one nostalgic bread which i absolutely adore. I have attempted this a umpty number of times but never got the finish you have in your pics. Well done.

  2. spoonsofflavor

    Its totally delicious !! Malabar parotta has come out so perfect… I am sure it would have finished in no time. Loved it😊 Great share Sasmita !!

  3. Shobha

    What a flaky barotta .. perfectly done. I must try to make it too and hope it comes out as good as yours.

  4. Lata Lala

    Malabar paratha looks perfect. Thank you for the nuances of making it in a right way.

  5. jayashree

    You have made it so well, do parcel some for me ! Awesome

  6. Soma Mukherjee

    Wow the Malabar parotta is a tricky one and you have managed to make it to perfection, looks so flakey and yummy just too good.

  7. Archana

    Perfect parota how I wish I can make one.

  8. Sujata Roy

    Malabar parota looks so perfect. Loved the flasky crispy look. Awesome share Sasmita.

  9. Malini's Space

    Wow. Malabar Parotta. I love this, Because of the amount of oil and maida used in here, I have to limit myself. You got it so perfectly, loved the layers especially. Awesome capture too.. Now I am craving for these 🙂

  10. Hayley

    I have never eaten or made this flaky and beautiful paratha myself, wish I have a magic hands like you 🙂 Well done for making them so perfectly.

  11. Priya Iyer

    Sasmita, you have nailed the perfect, flaky Kerala parotta. Great going! 🙂

  12. Priya (
    Priya (

    Love the parotta and love the layers..simply superb

  13. Poonam Bachhav

    Such a perfectly done parrota Sasmita ! The layers look so flaky…I am drooling !

  14. Pavani

    Parotta looks so flaky and love the presentation. Thanks for the lovely recipe.

  15. code2cook

    this parotta came out superb, love the layers, visible so beautifully. This can only happen with refine flour parotta.

  16. Priya Srinivasan - I Camp in My Kitchen
    Priya Srinivasan - I Camp in My Kitchen

    Love that layers !! Makes s delicious combo with a spicy side!! So beautifully made!!

  17. Nisha

    Ah the layers speak everything. Well done! This is an absolute delish.

  18. Rafeeda AR

    I totally love how that porotta looks! Just so perfect… some people don't even add sooji, like umma or at my in-law's place… they just rest the dough a lot and beat the heck out of it! Hehe… the APF makes it feel like an unhealthy food, but for Keralites, porotta anytime is bae… 🙂

  19. Vidya Narayan

    Like I mentioned on the group, pat your back Sasmita – you have nailed the recipe and the perfect texture of the parotta. Kudos!


    Beautiful outcome Susmita! Loved the Parotta to bits!

  21. Priya Suresh

    Definitley an incredible Parotta, well done and look at those layers, simply fabulous. Well done Sasmita.

  22. cookwithrenu

    Your paratha has come out full of layers and so flaky. Very nice.

  23. Anu

    i just cant take my eyes off these super flaky porottas.

  24. Poornimacookbook

    You have nailed it. Loved the flaky parotta, good job

  25. Mayuri Patel

    Sasmita when you shared the click on the group FB page, I just couldn't stop staring at the beautiful flaky parotta. You've prepared it so well and each layer is visible. Hats off to you.

  26. Aruna

    Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous! I have been so very eager to try this recipe of yours ever since I saw the layers that you have achieved. The fact that this is eggless is a boon.

  27. Sujata Shukla

    Totally a restaurant style Malabar Parotta, Sasmita! I have never had the courage to try it though its a favourite at home. Your recipe makes it look doable and I have to give it a try!

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Sujata Shukla


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Myself Sasmita, a techie turns to a food blogger which is reflected in this space.

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