Mint Lassi (Sweet) / Yogurt Mint Smoothie (sweet)

Lassi is a traditional yogurt drink that has its origin in Punjab, in the Northern part of India. Sweet mint lassi is a variation of the ever popular sweet lassi. Mint leaves give flavor and a great refreshing taste to this drink.

It is a refreshing drink and has many additional health benefits too. So here is my version of sweet mint lassi.

Preparation Time : 5 mins      |      Cooking Time : 0 mins 

Ingredients :             



Yogurt (dahi) 1 cup
Ice cubes as needed
Sugar 2 tbsp
Mint leaves (tightly packed) 1/2 cup
Chopped nuts (cashew, almond, pistachio) 1/2 tbsp


Method :

  1. Put yogurt with mint leaves & sugar in a blender jar. Blend till it becomes a smooth texture.
  2. Pour mint lassi into a serving glass with few ice cubes, sprinkle some chopped nuts on top and serve immediately !

Notes :

  • The quantity of sugar can be increased / decreased as desire.
  • It can store in fridge for 1-2 days. 
  • This can be in a salty version (Mint Lassi (Salty)).

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Myself Sasmita, a techie turns to a food blogger which is reflected in this space.

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