Sprouted Moong Chaat

Sprouted moong chat is a healthy and tasty snack made using the most nutritious moong sprouts. This is a superb way to include sprouts in diet chart. Normally a chat is associated with fried foods, but the sprouted moong chat is a healthy version of chat along with refreshing flavor of cucumber, onion, tomato. 

This recipe is very versatile, hence the ingredients totally depend upon the choice and taste. But whatever may be the combination, output is very tempting to eat. The chat is a healthy breakfast / snack for kids. Below I have explained the details of this very colorful and tangy nutritious sprouted moong chat. 

Preparation Time : 25 mins       |       Cooking Time : 0 mins

Ingredients :



Sprouted moong (green gram)

1 cup

Cucumber (finely chopped)

½ cup

Tomato (finely chopped)

¼ cup

Onion (finely chopped)

¼ cup

Green chilli

2 no.

Coriander leaves (finely chopped)

2 tbsp

Chat masala

As needed

Roasted cumin powder

As needed


As needed

Lemon juice

As needed

Method :

  1. Finely chopped green chilies and keep aside. 
  2. Take the sprouted moong in a mixing bowl.
  3. Add chopped green chili, tomato, onion along with cucumber and mix well.
  4. Next sprinkle chat masala, roasted cumin powder, salt. Mix well again.
  5. Now add lemon juice and chopped coriander leaves. Mix everything well.
  6. Serve immediately the healthy and nutritious sprouted moong chat !

Notes :

  • Sprouted moong can be made at home in 30-36 hours. I have used the sprouts which are so small and come out in 8-10 hours, but if you want a bit long sprouts then just wait around 30-36 hours.
  • Mix all the ingredients with the sprouted moong just before serving.

1 Comment

  1. Mayuri Patel

    A simple healthy and yet such a flavorful chaat. I make it sometimes as an evening snack or starter dish for parties.

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Mayuri Patel


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Myself Sasmita, a techie turns to a food blogger which is reflected in this space.

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