Number 4 Eggless Cake (butterscotch & chocolate dressing)

a butterscotch flavored eggless cake in number 4 shape without using any SPECIAL CAKE TIN

It was a celebration time at my place last Monday means on 2nd December. And that was the birthday of my boy who turned 4. I can proudly say that he is such a sweet chocopie who never trouble me in any kind of food to feed him. So for the celebration what kind of cake I will make was a big headache for me as there were a number of choices for me. And finally I ended with a number cake. As that was 4th birthday of him so I made a number 4 cake.

What is a number cake ?

This type of cakes are the trendy cakes these days and best opted for anniversary, birthday or any special celebrations. Basically these are the simple cakes which we do make in regular basis but in a number cake tin or simple cutting into a number shape after baking the regular cake. After the shape is achieved, the garnishing part of the cake is totally depend upon the personal choice. One can opt any kind of decoration to personalize the overall cake.

    How to shape the cake in number ?

    The number shaped cake tins are easily available these days in supermarkets. But I feel that is a complete waste after making the cake in that for that particular number of birthday celebration. So instead of that I do prefer to bake a cake in regular cake tin and then cut the cake into desired shapes. Basically I am going to share the cake where there is no need of any Special Cake Tin. As my boy’s 4th birthday was going to celebrate, so I picked the number 4 here. I simply drew the number 4 in a paper (the size of the number 4 must fit into the cake area here, so accordingly draw the number) and cut the paper in that shape. 

    After that I placed the number 4 paper over a simple cake. Then I cut the cake into that shape by simply running a knife just around the paper. Voila !!! it is done by now. A perfect number 4 shaped cake will come out just by taking out the side cut pieces of the cake. Those pieces one can have as tea tea-time cake or anything else. As the number 4 cake is ready so now one can use this for decorating to get the final look for celebration.

    What kind of flavor one can use for the cake base ?

    This is quite variable and totally is a personal choice. Starting from chocolate, butterscotch, strawberries etc or even simple vanilla ones. As my family always loves to have butterscotch ones so I chose the butterscotch flavor in the base cake. I have prepared a plain and simple egg less cake with butterscotch flavor and also kept it butter free. I have used yogurt or dahi to make this cake.

    The decoration of this number cake (is it specific or totally personal choice) :

    Well like I said in the flavoring part this decoration part is also totally individual choice. I first spread generous amount of frosting on top and sides of the cake and scraped out with a spatula to make it smooth. Then I have given a chocolate spread on top of the cake by simply melting some dark chocolate chunks in double boiler or just microwaving for 1 minute. Also I have gently pressed some roughly crushed butterscotch nuts & chocolate vermicelli on the sides of the cake. Using a piping bag attached with star nozzle I just decorated the cake top and sides. Also I have added some crumbled butterscotch biscuits on top (over the melted chocolate spread). All these designing part one can change and make as desired. After the final design, the cake must be refrigerated for at least 3-4 hours or overnight so that the frosting part set well. Then the cake is ready to go for celebration.

    The whole process is little bit time taking but the end result is quite eye-catchy as the whole process is simple and easy as well. So instead buying from outside, do make this kind of number cake for any upcoming celebration at your place. 

    Some more celebration posts like this :

    : Recipe Card :

    Number 4 Eggless Cake (butterscotch & chocolate dressing)

    Number 4 Eggless Cake (butterscotch & chocolate dressing)


    prep time: 20 Mcook time: 40 M assembling time: 1 H

    a butterscotch flavored eggless cake in number 4 shape without using any SPECIAL CAKE TIN


    Cake :

    • All purpose flour (maida) 3 cup + 2 tbsp
    • Yogurt (curd) 2 cup
    • Granulated sugar 1.5 cup
    • Baking soda 1 tsp
    • Baking powder 2.5 tsp
    • Oil 1 cup
    • Butterscotch essence 3 tsp

    Frosting & Assembling :

    • Heavy whipping cream 1 cup
    • Powdered sugar ½ cup
    • Butterscotch essence ¼ tsp
    • Dark chocolate 50 gm
    • Butterscotch sauce 1 tbsp
    • Butterscotch nuts for sprinkling
    • Chocolate vermicelli for sprinkling
    • Biscuits (butterscotch flavor) few


    How to cook Number 4 Eggless Cake (butterscotch & chocolate dressing)

    A- Baking the cake :

    1. Preheat oven to 180 deg C. Lightly grease a cake tin (I have used a square cake tin) lined by butter paper with oil and keep aside.
    2. Sieve maida twice and keep aside.
    3. In a mixing bowl cream sugar and curd until sugar completely dissolves.
    4. Add baking powder, baking soda to the creamed mixture and mix well.
    5. Leave aside for 5 mins and after that one can see the bubbles appearing.
    6. Now add butterscotch essence, oil and mix well.
    7. Next slowly add maida in portions at a time and in Cut-and-Fold method, mix with wet ingredients till a smooth mixture.
    8. Just gently fold in, don’t over mix.
    9. Immediately pour the batter into the greased cake tin and bake for 35-40 mins or till a toothpick inserted into the center area of the cakes comes out clean.
    10. Take out from oven and let the cake to cool down for 10 mins in the cake tin.
    11. Then invert and allow to cool down completely.

    B- Shaping the Cake :

    1. Take a plain paper and draw a shape of number 4 on it.
    2. Cut the paper in that shape and keep aside.
    3. After cooling, take the cake and place the number 4 paper on it so that the paper perfectly fit the cake.
    4. Cut the cake into that shape by simply running a knife just around the paper.
    5. Take out the side pieces of the cake and keep aside to have as tea time cake.
    6. Now gently take out the number 4 shaped cake which is ready to get the final decoration.

    C- Frosting :

    1. Take heavy whipping cream in a mixing bowl.
    2. Add powdered sugar and butterscotch essence.
    3. Whisk using electric whisk for about 7-8 minutes in the highest speed or until stiff peaks arise.
    4. Don’t overdo the beating as the cream might turn into butter. Keep in refrigerator till needed.

    D- Assembling the cake :

    1. Crush the butterscotch nuts roughly and mix with chocolate vermicelli. Keep aside.
    2. Now take the number 4 shaped cake and place over a serving platter (must be bigger than the cake base).
    3. Take out the whipped cream frosting from refrigerator.
    4. Spread generous amount of frosting on top and sides of the cake and scrape out with a spatula to make it smooth.
    5. Keep in refrigerator for 5-10 minutes to set the frosting a bit.
    6. Meanwhile melt the dark chocolate by using double boiler or just microwave for 1 minute.
    7. Then take out the cake from the refrigerator and pour the melted chocolate on top and gently spread it.
    8. Also gently press the butterscotch nuts & chocolate vermicelli mixture on the sides of the cake.
    9. Now take a piping bag with star nozzle and drizzle the butterscotch sauce in the inner side of the piping bag (in here and there manner).
    10. Fill with some whipped cream and decorate the cake top and sides as per choice.Finally put some crumbled butterscotch biscuits on top (over the melted chocolate spread).
    11. Cover the whole decorated cake by putting a big bowl over it without touching the cake, refrigerate for at least 3-4 hours or overnight.
    12. After 3-4 hours the frosting part has set well, then the number 4 cake is ready for the celebration !


    Always use yogurt / curd at room temperature.
    Chocolate spread gives a nice chocolate crunch while having a cake slice. But this is optional.
    After whipping the cream it is recommended to keep that whipped cream bowl in refrigerator till there is any need.

    Egg free, Butter free, Eggless Baking, Butterscotch, Chocolate vermicelli, Curd / yogurt,

    Cake, Baking, Number Cake, Birthday Cake, butterscotch Cake, Number 4 Cake


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    1. Mayuri Patel

      Such a lovely cake Sasmita, your little chocopie must have been so so happy. I remember when I use to make different shaped cakes for my kids when they were young. Lot of work but worth the effort. As for using yogurt for eggless cakes, I always use that as it makes the cake soft.

    2. Usha

      Belated birthday wishes to your boy! That is a beautiful cake and you did a great job decorating it. Butterscotch frosting looks so delicious.

    3. Lata Lala

      First of all belated birthday wishes to your Rockstar. This lovely cake must have made him super happy. I could see a lot of hard work making this beautiful cake with lovely flavours.

    4. Pavani

      Belated birthday wishes to your little boy. Number 4 cake looks just perfect. Beautiful job with the shaping and frosting. Kudos to your efforts.

    5. JollyHomemadeRecipes

      Belated happy birthday to champ & congratulations to his proud parents. How spongy and prefect this cake looks, wish I get a huge slice to have it now. Awesome cake.

    6. Padma

      First of all Belated birthday wishes to your boy!! Using yoghurt or buttermilk for eggless recipes is what I love as it gives a good texture and keeps the cake moist. I can see the love behind the hard work put into making this cake…Yummy Share 😋

    7. Hayley

      Awwwww I bet your little one must have been so thrilled to see this cake! All the efforts you have put in this cake is clearly visible, what a yummylicious flavours in this cake.

    8. jayashree

      Such a lovely looking cake, the little boy must have been extremely happy. Love the flavours here. Blessings to your son.

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    Myself Sasmita, a techie turns to a food blogger which is reflected in this space.

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